The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint that is highly mobile, allowing the arm to move in a wide range of movement. However, this mobility also makes the shoulder susceptible to joint pain and injuries. Shoulder physiotherapy is a treatment for joint pain and injuries that affect the shoulder.
This treatment can help to reduce pain and improve the range of motion in the shoulder joint. The physiotherapist will assess the shoulder joint and develop a treatment plan that may include exercises, stretches, and manual therapy. Here is a more detailed view of how they can help you:
Joint Mobilization (Manual Therapy)
This physiotherapy technique is used to treat a variety of conditions. It involves applying specific force to a joint to stretch the joint capsule and surrounding tissues. This technique can increase the range of motion, reduce pain, and improve function.
There are various ways to perform joint mobilization, and the physiotherapist will select the best approach for the individual patient depending on the injury. This is performed manually by the physiotherapist.
Manual joint mobilization is often used for treating shoulder injuries. The therapist will use their hands to apply a specific force to the joint, stretching the capsule and surrounding tissues. This technique can increase the range of motion and reduce pain.
Activity Modification
Your therapist will provide ways to modify how you perform everyday activities, so your shoulders are adequately supported. By making a few simple changes in how you perform daily tasks, you can take pressure off your shoulders and help prevent further injury.
For example, when brushing your teeth, use your non-dominant hand to support your dominant hand. Rather than reaching across your body, bring the toothbrush up to your face. It will help keep your shoulders neutral and prevent them from becoming strained.
Another everyday activity that can strain your shoulders is reaching into cupboards and cabinets. To avoid this, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and square your hips to the cabinet. Then, use your non-dominant hand to open the door while keeping your dominant hand close to your body. It will help keep your shoulders aligned and prevent them from overloading.
Making small changes in how you perform everyday activities can help protect your shoulders from further injury. Talk to your physical therapist about modifying your activities to prevent shoulder pain.
Shoulder injuries are standard and often cause a lot of pain and discomfort. While there are many different treatments for shoulder injuries, one of the most common is stretching.
Stretching is a great way to help improve flexibility and range of motion in the shoulder and can also help to reduce pain. Many different stretches can be beneficial for shoulder injuries, so consult with your physiotherapist to determine which stretches are best for you.
Physiotherapy can alleviate shoulder pain. The scientific evidence supporting this is strong, and the clinical experience of physiotherapists backs this up. If you suffer from shoulder pain, consider seeing a physiotherapist.
Before your injury worsens, you should look for a reputable physiotherapist in Whitehorse. There is no better team to help you than Whitehorse Physiotherapy. We have the training and experience to alleviate your pain. So, schedule a session now!